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I love airports. They are prime real estate for people-watching. I see people tuned in to their laptops, with the signature apple iPhone earbuds hanging from one ear and their blackberry glued to the other. It’s fascinating how technology has taken over our lives – and it is blatantly obvious at the airport.


And, of course, airports remind me of travel. Up to this point in my life, I have been on many different vacations. I have travelled to Arizona to visit relatives, to California to visit friends, to Mexico to lounge on a resort for a week or so – but this trip is different.


Now, I am venturing to San Francisco in search for a job. I have no idea what I’m doing.


Ok, that’s not entirely true. I am meeting with 3 connections my father made for me (for which I am eternally grateful). However, I do not know exactly what to do… You see, at this point, the only jobs I’ve held have been in the restaurant industry. Yes, I’ve had a handful of interesting internships that required a more professional interview process; however, those were unpaid thus it was more likely for me to be hired.


Here, I’m on my own. Looking for a job. A place to live. While trying not to get lost.


Good thing I love it here.

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