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My apartment is complete.

Tonight, I moved the last three boxes out of my apartment. I was able to find a DVD rack (with the help of my generous apartment managers) allowing me to finally set up my DVDs and recycle the last three boxes cluttering my living room/bedroom. It’s finally done.

It’s amazing how it feels once everything has a place. There’s this relief that rushed over me – everything is done. I don’t have to worry about anything anymore. I found a place for everything that I own; whether that was the trash bin in the basement, or someplace specific in my apartment. Now, that I am all set up and organized, I can just live and explore.

Speaking of exploration, this weekend is going to be full of it. A friend from Colorado is coming to stay with me and this weekend is going to be full of adventures.

Everyone keeps telling me that I need to do some touristy things since I just moved to San Francisco. Evidently, there’s a lot to do that San Francisco-ites tend to only do when they have visitors in town.

Let’s see what we can put on the agenda so we both can benefit from this adventure.

I’ll keep you posted.

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