I survived my first week in the big city.

Actually, I more than survived it. I couldn’t be happier with my decision to follow my dreams to California. And I certainly feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

My job is amazing. It doesn’t feel like I just started; it feels like I’ve been there for months. I dove right in, head first, and I love it. The people are awesome, I’m doing exactly what I want to be doing, and I’m learning a ton. It’s perfection.

My apartment is finally unpacked and fully furnished. It turned out how I wanted it to turn out – my dad calls in “Urban Chic.” And he’s right. I had the chance to design a brand new apartment. I had a clean slate, and with the help of my trusty interior designer, my own instinct, and what my mom and I talked about the week before I moved in, I have sufficiently made the most out of my little studio.

I have lots of exploring to do, but that will all come in time.

I’m here. Now I must live and love my life.

(Now we will resume our regularly scheduled programming and I’ll be posting more about issues than myself – it’s been fun sharing this milestone with you.)

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