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The past two weeks have been wonderful. As you may know, I began a “cleanse” which is really turning into what I hope to be a lifestyle change. Clean eating makes me feel so good.Β And my workouts? The best ever. I’m thoroughly enjoying truly taking care of my body.

Not to mention, I forgot how much I enjoy cooking. Yes, some days it feels a little tedious, but I have cooked breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, for almost 14 days straight. I’m learning new techniques, how to make chopping efficient, and that julienning just about anything takes forever.

It’s helped me find balance.

I’ve woken up early to make sure I have enough time to prep both breakfast and lunch. I’ve drank an entire Nalgene of water before I even get to work (which means I’ve peed like three times already). When I cook, I’m disconnected. The boyfriend just puts on some music, and we work together to prepare the delicious meals. It feels great.

I also wish I had a bigger fridge.

The whole, fresh, natural and simple ingredients in each dish have also helped me realize that simplicity is better when integrated into my whole life. If I’m not eating all of this extra crap, why should my life contain any extra crap at all?

Over the past 2 weeks, I’ve reorganized. I’ve developed a plan to limit multitasking and help me focus on one task at a time and write down any extra thoughts that pop into my head while I’m completing a different task (usually, I’d switch gears and complete it right then).

This “cleanse” takes planning. Each Sunday, I’ve spent about two hours prepping and planning — printing a grocery list, printing recipes, planning workouts and other activities meant to de-stress. It’s been time consuming, but I’ve totally loved it.

So, as we dive into February (yes, February, when the heck did that happen?), these two words are my theme:

Simplify. Balance.


Also, if you want to check out all the deliciousness I’ve been eating, head over here. πŸ™‚

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