One morning, on my walk to work, I saw a man playing the saxophone on the street corner. He was probably 65-years-old. He was dressed in practically rags. Plaid rags. He wore a black beret and had set himself up on an empty, blue plastic carton. He had no sheet music, but his melodies were amazing. I wished I had a camera.
I know I can write. I’ve been doing it for years. Now, I want to expand my expression to photography. So, I’ve taken on a new hobby; I am very excited.
With the help of my grandmother, I purchased a Canon EOS Rebel XSi to shoot with. Now, I have the tools. I am headed to Borders to pick up “Digital Art: Photography for Dummies,” and hope I can learn something from it. I also found a girl on Flickr who has been giving me great advice. Her photos are captivating – and, better yet, they are taken with the same camera and lens that I have. It’s possible to create magic with this camera.
So, if you have any suggestions or comments about my photography, I would love feedback. Visit my new Photography page and if you click an image you can leave a comment and even view a slideshow.
I will be documenting my journey through life through images as well as words!
Wish me luck!
Always ask people if you can take their picture. Some people do not like to be photographed, for whatever reason. I had an experience once, at a wedding reception of all places, where I was taking pictures and someone did not like me taking his picture and made it very clear. It was a little frightening. Just be respectful of your subjects and your pictures will be perfect!
Creativity in creative people breeds creativity in others. Being the observant creative person you are Im sure it was not lost on you how one mans music, ie his creativity, struck a chord in you that drove you to express yourself in photography, an entirly different mode of art. Writing moves you to ‘frisco where you hear music that drives you to take photos. Art makes the world, and our lives, go ’round. Me likey!
Wonder if you’ve thought about a theme for your “shoots” ? Might give you focus and some special meaning……..I see photojournalism on your horizon.
let’s go on a photo walk soon. I’ll help you. i have an XSi as well
I have to disagree with Laurie on this one. You won’t be able to capture real moments and emotions if you talk to them first. If you’re out in public, you are allowed to take pictures of them anyway. If someone has a problem with it, politely apologize and walk away.