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I went and saw Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D last night. Let me just say, it is absolutely amazing. After the initial first moments of pure nausea, watching a move in 3D totally blew me away. The detail, the intricacies, the fact that objects looked like I could literally reach out and touch them…WOW. Technology these days…

But, watching this movie about Halloween colliding with Christmas got me thinking.

It always amazes me, year after year, how much earlier people start setting up for the Holidays. First, people were setting up their Christmas trees the day after Thanksgiving – almost a full month before Christmas. Now? Some are setting them up around Halloween! Craziness.

The stores are already decked out in tinsel and bows. The trees are lined with glittery lights. Not to mention, the spirited sounds of “Jingle Bells” and “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” can be heard on every street corner. Everyone is getting ready for the Holiday season. Um. It’s just barely November. Keep your pants on, folks.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I am all for getting into the Holiday spirit. In fact, I have plenty of holiday decorations for when the time comes to put them up around my apartment. However, I don’t see the sense in rushing it. Yes, everyone seems to be in a much happier mood around holiday season. Yes, the holidays bring families together and fill the world with joy. But, if you extend the “holiday period” don’t you get burned out? Isn’t it just a letdown when Christmas comes and goes in one day? Or even Hannukah in eight nights? Then, before you know it, it’s New Years and everyone is already breaking their resolutions.

I don’t know about you, but I’m not ready for the holidays. I’m having a hard time believing that Thanksgiving is just around the corner let alone Christmas and Hannukah. I feel like the holidays serve as a reminder of how fast time flies. And the earlier and earlier we all start getting ready, the faster and faster time is passing by. Fall just gets skipped over – jumping from one holiday to the next.

Take a deep breath.

Enjoy the fall leaves. Prepare for Thanksgiving (after all it’s only three weeks away). But give Christmas and Hannukah a break for now. Their time will come.

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