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I know I just gave you all an update on life in San Francisco, but I feel it was a little…vague. Yeah, I talked about all the big things going on in my life, but there are so many little things that are going on, too! And, you know, it’s all about the little things. So here’s what I’m doing…currently.

Currently, as in right this moment, I’m getting caught up on some overdue Gossip Girl episodes. I love me some mind-numbing TV. This is largely due to the fact that I’m also, currently, in it to win it at work. Moreso than usual. We have two conferences this week – ad:tech San Francisco and f8. These conferences are so cool and I’m loving being a part of them. There’s something invigorating about talking about what you love and are so passionate about to potential clients (or complete strangers). The question, “What do you do?” excites me! They can see how the subject of social media radiates in me. And that’s a great feeling.

Currently, I’m in a constant state of sore. My workout regimen has increased in intensity…drastically. Not only am I going to the gym three days a week, but I’ve hopped on the glorious bandwagon of the Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred. Because of this, I’m also currently trying not to punch my TV in the face when Jillian Michaels comes on the screen and tells me that “when it burns, it means your body is getting stronger.” Eff you and let me drink some water because I think I’m going to die. However, I’m currently feeling myself get stronger, which is pretty badass.

I’m currently waiting (impatiently) for my best friend to have her baby. It could be literally any day now. Every time someone calls me from Colorado, I hold my breath. Is it time? Is it baby time????? Come on Ashlynn! Show your pretty little baby face!

Currently, I’m hoping that the weather in San Francisco can be like it was Sunday (70 degrees) forevah-evah. But, alas, I still need to invest in some rainboots for the summer.

I’m also currently trying to stop thinking about a certain someone who seems to have me quite frazzled today.

Currently, I am working on some small self-improvement tactics. Aside from my working out, I’ve also been trying out the SELF Challenge – which provides me with three deliciously (surprisingly) healthy meals, a snack, and a treat every day. I don’t like to call it a “diet” because I instantly get turned off, but it’s redefining the way I eat. It’s great and I’ve been really successful with it.

I’m also trying to spend as much time diving into Eat, Pray, Love as humanly possible – soaking in every detail of Elizabeth Gilbert’s self-discovery. As for outer improvement, I’m currently trying to wear every pair of shoes in my closet. Wish me luck. Well, wish my feel luck. I have some pretty intense heels in my collection.

Despite the stressful and overwhelming lifestyle I seem to be living, I currently am the happiest I’ve ever been. And that’s good news. I’m focused on all the right things – strengthening friendships, building my career, doing me. It’s been great.

(Related sidenote: I also currently have the hiccups. For the fourth time today. Try talking non-stop at a conference with the hiccups. Luckily everyone thought it was “cute.” Grr.)

So, tell me, what’s new with you? What are you currently doing?

Thanks to Liz for the awesome blog post idea 🙂

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