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I’ve noticed a trend in my little blogosphere. Some of my favorite bloggers seem to be going through some serious personal change — finding themselves, uncovering new realities, embracing the negative, and having general hard times. And maybe it’s just that “when it rains it pours” and sucky times rub off on each other. Or maybe it’s just that misery loves company and we all just commiserate. Or maybe, timing just sucks all around.

The beauty of the Internet is that we can all share our experiences, both good and bad, and there is always someone who can relate. There’s a caveat with being real on the Internet — sometimes, things aren’t always daisies and puppies and rainbows. Sometimes, shit sucks. Life sucks. Nothing goes right, everything goes wrong, and the seemingly only resolution is to turn to our readers and hope someone inspires us to get back on track. And more often than not, someone does. Someone is either going through the same issue or has been there before and can provide light and insight. We all lean on each other, and sometimes, the relative anonymity helps with feeling comfortable doing so.

And sometimes, we all need to check back into reality.

My friend Liz (who is going through a massively hard time, yet still remains one of the strongest women I’ve ever encountered) said to me on gchat yesterday, “Just remind me that this is normal and it’s a victory that I’m not in bed right now?”

Yes. Yes, it is a victory. Because sometimes, shit sucks so hard, we lose sight of the little things, the little victories that we forget to count as positives in our lives. We get so lost in all the negativity (and that’s ok, for a little while) that we become trapped by our own downward spiral.

Some people say I’m too positive. Always confident. Always seeing the sunbeams through the clouds no matter how threatening and dark they appear.

The reality is, I have breakdowns, too. Just ask Jessica who saw me cry at the office for the first time last week, or Casi who watched me down martinis and pizza and listened to my unformed sentences as I tried to clear my head. And that’s ok. But when that happens, we’re faced with a choice. Wallow or embrace.

I choose to embrace. Embrace the sadness, the feeling overwhelmed, the frustration. I think about all the wonderful people I have in my life who care and understand me. I think about everything I’ve achieved , everything I’m proud of. I let myself feel, but I don’t let myself drown. I pull myself up and remember, life is full of little victories.

Like Liz getting out of bed, like Elisa wanting a mud-hut, like Chelsea addressing her ex, like me finally writing about mine. These are all “little” victories, that add up and amount to big ones. And every victory should be acknowledged, no matter how insignificant it may seem. Heck, I painted the nails on my left hand without smudging them for the first time — if you’re a girl, you know that’s a HUGE victory.

What are the little victories in your life that keep you moving forward?

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