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Between moments, at 38,000 feet.

Between moments, at 38,000 feet.

It’s when you least expect it that you are vulnerable enough to be open to profound experiences. And for me, it seems to notoriously be on an airplane, crammed into a window, next to a stranger, attempting to quietly read a book.

Get your priorities straight.

Ever had one of those days where tasks just keep piling and piling and piling and you’d rather stab yourself in the face with a butter knife than even attempt to sort through all of them? You know, the days when a million different people are asking you to do a million different things and you don’t even know where to start so you just keep taking bathroom breaks in order to avoid the inevitable mound of work that’s piling up?

Online Dating Chronicles: I’m not gay.

I knew this could potentially happen. I guess I just put a little more faith in the dating site’s regulations — you know, I have settings so people who don’t have profile pictures, want open-relationships, are looking for sex partners, cannot message...

Book Review: Delivering Happiness

Delivering Happiness, written by Tony Hsieh (pronounced Shay), the CEO of, is about much more than one of Fortune magazine’s top 25 companies to work for. It’s about more than Amazon’s acquisition of the company valued at over $1.2 billion. It’s about more than making money and starting a company. In fact, this book is about starting from scratch. It’s about trusting strangers. It’s about taking giant leaps, and hoping for success. Most importantly, it’s about happiness. Discovering it, and distributing it around the world.

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