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Today is the first Friday of my Question and Answer weekly series! It’s starting a little slow… (two questions to be exact) but I am confident that it will pick up! Just a refresher: I have added an “Ask Lauren” tab to the top of my blog. There, you can ask me any question you want and I will answer it honestly. You can also leave comments or suggestions there as well!

Ask away!

On to this week’s questions.

Question 1 from Josh: So my question for you Lauren is when are you going to buy me a ticket so I can come out to San Fran and visit you?  Haha.

Answer: As soon as you put a check in the mail for the cost of a plane ticket. I also accept PayPal if you feel more comfortable with that.

Question 2 from Ashley: If you could have dinner with a famous but deceased person, who would it be and what would you talk about?  Why that person?

Answer: I would have dinner with Marilyn Monroe. I have always admired her (covered my walls with pictures of her in college). She was and still is such a strong icon for women. She spend the majority of her childhood in orphanages and foster homes. And then she transformed her life into becoming an idol for all women. Yes, she was a sex symbol. But what’s unique about her is that she wasn’t a size zero. She was a confident, vibrant spirit and I think she would be a total blast to have dinner with.

Thanks to Josh and Ashley for the questions! Keep ’em comin’!

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