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My big move part 2: out with the old; in with the new

So, my stuff doesn’t fit. I moved from a two story, two bedroom, one and a half bathroom, condo to a studio. Erk. The studio is beautiful and it’s going to be absolutely perfect for me. I just have too much stuff. Evidently I had my binge, and now I must purge. What...

My big move part 1: My life in 43 boxes (and a few suitcases)

It’s amazing how someone’s life can fit into boxes. Well, at least the material things you own. Packing my life and my house last week was definitely hard. Not only did I have to sort through everything, I had to pack and plan ahead for three trips – one to San...

I created my reality

I have worked my butt off. I have always been a hard worker. I apply 100 percent effort in every aspect of my life. When I am presented with a challenge, I always seem to rise above and conquer. I worked extremely hard throughout college in order to set myself up for...

What’s really happening in Iran? And Twitter is involved?

Many times, it seems as though Americans (myself included) get caught up in their own American issues and forget there is a whole big world out there. I’m sure (or at least I hope) many of you have seen the news recently and have heard about the big controversy going...

Maid of honor

My best friend is getting married. I wrote about this in an earlier post briefly and now I’d like to expand a bit. One week prior to the proposal, my best friend called me early one morning near tears. She told me she had a dream the night before that I got engaged...

Back by popular demand: interfaith part 2

Evidently my first post on interfaith marriage didn’t cover all the bases. I received many questions via comments, posts and email; therefore, I am going to expand. Obviously, when I discuss marriage, I am venturing into uncharted waters. I’ve never been married and I...

Interfaith Q&A

After my last post, How About Peace?, I received some questions from a Twitter friend about religion and my beliefs when it comes to marriage.   Q: What, if anything do you expect from your (future) partner? Same religion, same beliefs, or does it matter? A: I think...

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