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Are you ready for some football???

Aaahhhh. Football. It’s back! My Sundays now have purpose. I’ve been asked quite frequently if, now that I’ve moved to San Francisco, I’m going to forget about my Colorado team and root for the 49ers. Um. No. I will forever be a Broncos, Rockies, Nuggets and Avalanche...

My life in song titles

I’m remotely embarrassed to say I participated in one of those stupid little Facebook quizzes. However, my (unplanned) answers were quite interesting… Check ’em out. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Put your iPod or other music player on shuffle. 2. For each...


My guilty pleasure. No, now get your mind out of the gutter. Ok, well, not completely. HBO has stolen my heart again – and my Thursday nights. Hung is a riveting series on HBO that centers on a father of two teenagers who goes through a messy divorce, deals with a...

Body art: the dragonfly

I’ve been thinking about tattoos a lot lately. Well, I was thinking about them in college, but could never decide what I wanted on my body for the rest of my life. Plus, when my parents said he wouldn’t be totally and utterly pissed at me, it was kind of a buzz kill....

Fantasy football draft

Today, I lost my virginity. My Fantasy Football virginity, that is. Yep, you heard right, I participated in a Fantasy Football draft with some coworkers on Facebook. And to be honest, I’m pretty stoked. With the slight help of my younger brother, I was able to pick...

Yep. That just happened.

Be prepared for a rant. As some of you may know, I recently (last night) dropped my precious iPhone down an elevator shaft. I know. Crazy. But it’s the truth. Probably one of the oddest things that has ever happened to me. Here’s the story. I returned home after...

Grace in small things

1. Waking up every morning to sunlight showering my studio 2. Ritchie, the doorman, telling me to have a good day everyday on my walk to work 3. The view from my 14th floor office 4. Working with the greatest people in San Francisco 5. Izzy purring 6. My family...

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