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San Francisco: An Update

It’s been almost nine months to the day since I made the big move out to San Francisco. It’s pretty remarkable how quickly the time flies when you’re having the time of your life chasing your dreams.

They say home is where the heart is, but what if your heart is in more than one place?

I spent the past three days in Colorado. I had purchased a discounted ticket a few months back with some coworkers with the intent of spending the weekend on the slopes showing them around my precious Rocky Mountains. As the trip approached, I had to make a decision: show my coworkers from San Francisco around the mountains, or spend time with family and friends in Denver. I opted to spend the weekend catching up with family and friends.

On Birthdays, the passage of time and pole-dancing injuries

As many of you know, it was my Birthday last week. It wasn’t a big Birthday or anything (although gifts are still being accepted), but, like every Birthday, I took a step back and thought about the past year. And about getting older in general. I know, I know, I’m young, I have my whole life ahead of me. But with every year that goes by, I notice all the changes.

Grace and gratefulness

Every year at this time, I always take a step back from my hectic, crazy life and think about all of the things that I am thankful for. I’m sure I’m not the only one who does this, but it’s almost therapeutic for me. I get to focus on all of the positive things in my...


My guilty pleasure. No, now get your mind out of the gutter. Ok, well, not completely. HBO has stolen my heart again – and my Thursday nights. Hung is a riveting series on HBO that centers on a father of two teenagers who goes through a messy divorce, deals with a...

How about peace?

I had lunch with my cousin yesterday. It was a great lunch – we went to Cantina Laredo in the 29th Street Mall in Boulder, had margaritas and ate lots of Mexican food. Midway through the meal, our small talk and catching up turned into a very interesting conversation....

Another graduation

  My brother graduated from high school this week. I can’t believe it.   First, he graduated from the same high school that I attended four years ago. Four years ago, I sat in the same chairs on the Stutler Bowl stadium. I wore the same robe, the same tassel. I walked...

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