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Breakfast at Outerlands

Breakfast at Outerlands

Last weekend, I had all of my best college girlfriends in town for the weekend. It was so much fun having them in San Francisco and showing them some of my favorite spots in the city. Obviously, we needed to eat.

A little something different around here…

A little something different around here…

When I started The Offbeat Report in 2008, I had no clue what it would turn into. Honestly, I started this blog so I had a place to write. I was Editor-in Chief of my college newspaper and missed writing. I remember, sitting around, trying to come up with a name for...
Why Food?

Why Food?

I love to eat. Eating is one of my very favorite things to do. Not eating just anything, however. I love eating made-from-scratch, expertly prepared, innovative yet not scary, delicious, artisanal food. But, what I love even more than eating, is cooking.

Five Years

Five Years

I never thought I’d be in San Francisco for five years. When I moved to the City by the Bay in July of 2009, I honestly thought I wouldn’t “make it.”

My trip to Singapore (worth the 21 hours of travel)

My trip to Singapore (worth the 21 hours of travel)

June was the month of travel for me. I spent the first 3 days of June in New York city, taking in the sites and sounds (and EATS!) of the city that never sleeps. On the 3rd of June, I embarked on the longest bout of international travel I’ve had the luxury of...
Simplify and Balance. My two favorite words right now.

Simplify and Balance. My two favorite words right now.

The past two weeks have been wonderful. As you may know, I began a “cleanse” which is really turning into what I hope to be a lifestyle change. Clean eating makes me feel so good. And my workouts? The best ever. I’m thoroughly enjoying truly taking care of my body.

Whole Living

Whole Living

The past two months have been a blur. Christmas in Sonoma. Phoenix between Christmas and New Years. New Years Eve in San Francisco. Weekend with my brother. My dad in town for my Big Birthday. Then Chicago last week for work.

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