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My (Digital) Vision Board: An Update

My (Digital) Vision Board: An Update

Over a year ago, I created a digital vision board. It was full of images of who I want to become, what I want to have, what I want to be doing, and where I want to be in my life. The idea is that my life would change to match those images and those desires.

Two Years.

Two Years.

Two years ago today, my dad and I unloaded the last box from our rented Penske truck after driving 21 hours from Boulder to San Francisco. I was nervous, excited and scared. But mostly excited.

The impossibility of writing about yourself.

The impossibility of writing about yourself.

Last week, I was asked to write a bio for myself that would appear underneath every byline I have on a corporate blog. I panicked. I don’t know what to say about myself! About a year ago, I had a short bio written for me for my bylines in iMedia Connection. I decided to recycle that bio — update my job title, added a link to my Twitter account and call it a day.

I still write.

I still write.

I was 12 when I received my first journal. It was cream in color, glazed with floral details and complete with a brass lock and a key. I attached the key to a chain and wore it around my neck every day. I feared if I ever removed the necklace, I would instantly lose the key and anyone would be able to break into my thoughts. I was probably right.

Protected: Pay it Forward

Protected: Pay it Forward

Hello fellow #BiSC-uits! Hope everyone is recovering nicely from the weekend. I don’t know about you, but I had such an incredible time meeting all of you this weekend. It’s pretty incredible to be surrounded by 60 people you’ve mostly only known...

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