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Friday Q&A

The Friday Q&A series was put on hiatus for the past two weeks, but now we’re back in action! Don’t forget to send me your questions! Q from Josh: Lauren…Now that its been about 8 months since you were given the opportunity to leave Colorado, is...

Friday Q&A

Today is the second Friday Q&A and I am so excited with the response! Just a refresher: I have added an “Ask Lauren” tab to the top of my blog. There, you can ask me any question you want and I will answer it honestly. You can also leave comments or suggestions there as well!

Friday Q&A

Today is the first Friday of my Question and Answer weekly series! It’s starting a little slow… (two questions to be exact) but I am confident that it will pick up! Just a refresher: I have added an “Ask Lauren” tab to the top of my blog. There, you can ask me any question you want and I will answer it honestly. You can also leave comments or suggestions there as well!

Write for a reason

I went to Borders yesterday to use a coupon. I love bookstores. In fact, I could spend days in a bookstore. I love the way they smell, the sounds, the fact that I’m surrounded by so much more than just, me. Anyway, I digress. I walked into Borders and on the very first table (yeah, I’m one of those people that stop at each table and peruse the “recommended readings” and wonder to myself if they really are all they’re cracked up to be) is a book that’s entire cover is filled with text. Intrigued, I picked it up and read the cover.

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