While I’ve been away…
As some of you may (or may not) have noticed, I haven’t posted to my beloved TOBR in about three weeks. I am not apologizing for being absent.
As some of you may (or may not) have noticed, I haven’t posted to my beloved TOBR in about three weeks. I am not apologizing for being absent.
I spent 7 days in London, England last week. It was incredible and exhausting and overwhelming and magnificent. I’ve never traveled to Europe before, so when Context Optional offered me the opportunity to work in London for a week and help build out our relationships abroad, I jumped. How high? High enough.
“I guess I don’t have a ‘future’ plan,” I said to a friend on GChat. He inquired about my recent promotion at Context Optional and where I wanted to go from here.
In February, I had the pleasure of sipping a glass of red wine with Molly from Stratejoy, Nicole, Suki and Amy. First of all, these ladies are all amazing. Second of all, I would be surprised if Molly made it through one get together without asking a question that makes everyone think.
Speaking of books, I finally finished The Lovely Bones (after about 6 months of trying to read it). I’m always a little late on the “popular” books. I like to wait until the hype dies down and I can settle into it after the attention has faded away.
I don’t remember my first time stepping into a bookstore, but I’m sure I was bewitched. Every bookstore smells almost the same. Except for used bookstores — those smell even more profound than new. Sweet, musty, sometimes with a hint of glue.
In the past two weeks I have been in four states, three timezones, on four planes, and two rental cars. Saying that the past 10 days have been a whirlwind is an understatement.
I have an entire category dedicated to creating your own happiness. I’ve written post after post after post about how you are in control of making yourself happy. You have the power to do this for yourself.